It was how my mom made us our favourite cake on our birthday, the fresh loaves of bread my grandma dropped off at Easter time, the doughnuts my grandpa would make from scratch on camping trips, or the popcorn my dad would make over the stove when the family would all cuddle up to watch a movie together. My mom always says, “Food is love!” and she’s right. There are about a million ways I experienced the “love language” of food in our family.
You can probably think of times in your own life where someone shared some “food love” with you. Maybe they dropped off a meal when you were sick, made you your favourite cookies when you were sad, or brought you a treat to celebrate an achievement. When I married my husband, Matt, and we moved to our first little apartment, I fell in love with hosting people and sharing good food with others. I would spend hours reading cookbooks, bookmarking pages for recipes that would be perfect for our next get together…and in our tiny space, I learned that you don’t need a fancy kitchen or a big space to gather friends together for a meal! Sharing food with others has become one of my favourite ways to show love, and that’s really how this blog began. Food is definitely meant for sharing!
I am not a professional chef, so this little space is not so much a compilation of gourmet recipes, but an opportunity for me to share my love for food and photography, and it will inspire you to share your own love of food with those in your circle. Food is love….much love to you!