Mustard Apricots with Herb Goat Cheese

Mustard Apricots with Herb Goat Cheese

I think it’s safe to say we’re all looking for simple ways to infuse magic back into the holiday season during this bizarre year. Yesterday, our province announced that Christmas gatherings will be limited to those living in the same household, so that means our Christmas dinner will be a lot smaller than it usually is! Our Ukrainian families usually have a pretty massive spread, and Christmas Eve dinner has 12 traditional dishes, so Matt asked his mom last night if she was still planning to make all 12 dishes even though the gathering wouldn’t be even half the size that it usually is. She said, “We have to keep the traditions going! No matter how many people are here, it’s still Christmas.”

It’s still Christmas. We will still celebrate. We can still be grateful, even if we are also grieving. We can do both.

Maybe that’s too many heavy thoughts for a post about food, but I wanted to share how I’m approaching our Christmas dinner this year. Maybe you’re in a similar place. I’m looking at this as an opportunity to strip our celebrating down to it’s core and really reflect on the reason for this season. And we will still celebrate. It’s still Christmas.

This recipe is one that I’ll be using for our Christmas Day charcuterie board….I was inspired to figure out how to make these after a visit to Emerald Lake Lodge a few years ago (the meals we had there were absolutely incredible!). Ever so often I make these as a simple appetizer, and served with the herbed goat cheese it’s the perfect bite! Try it out and (as always) let me know what you think!

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Mustard Apricots with Herb Goat Cheese


  • 3/4 cup white wine vinegar

  • 1/3 cup sugar

  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks

  • 2 tbsp ground mustard

  • pinch of salt

  • 250g dried apricots

  • 300 g soft unripened goat cheese

  • 1/2 cup fresh herbs, finely chopped (I usually use Italian Parsley, Thyme and Oregano)

  • pinch of salt


  1. In a saucepan, bring vinegar, sugar and cinnamon stick to a boil, stirring every once and awhile as it heats.

  2. Allow mixture to bubble for a few minutes before whisking in ground mustard and pinch of salt. Add the apricots and stir to coat.

  3. Lower the heat to a simmer, cover and leave to cook for about 45 min to an hour. Check every 15 minutes or so, and give the mixture a stir. The liquid will thicken to a syrup-y texture.

  4. Removed from heat, and pour into a sterilized jar. Seal and set aside to cool. k

  5. Once fully cooled, store in the fridge for up to a month.

  6. For Herb Goat Cheese, combine goat cheese, herbs and salt in a food processor. If you want more of a whipped texture, whip goat cheese with an electric mixer, and add herbs and salt to combine.

  7. To serve, spread cracker or toasted baguette with goat cheese and top with a saucy mustard apricot. Enjoy!


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